Plan Formulation Monitoring and Evaluation


One of the primarily function of PDPS is to formulate, monitor and evaluate the regional plan. The section had created a dashboard to provide updates on the status of accomplishment of all programs and services being implemented by the Field Office - NCR. 

The dashboard provides a quick reference of the status of implementation of all programs and services based on the set physical and financial targets of the Region. All data were generated based on the submitted Harmonized Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (HPMES) Quarterly Accomplishment Reports of all Divisions, Center/ Residential Care Facilities, Sections, and Units of the Field Office.

Harmonized Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (HPMES) Reporting Forms

To meet these objectives, the implementation of the HPMES employs the preparation of six (6) forms composed of four (4) plans and (2) monitoring and evaluation (M&E) reports.

The Harmonized Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System (HPMES) is a system for regular planning, monitoring and evaluation of the DSWD's objectives through the performance of its offices, programs and projects as they contribute to the attainment of the organizational goals and outcomes stipulated in the medium-term Strategic Plan. Anchored on the principles of results-based management, the HPMES is focused on defining expected results (organizational and foundational outcomes), monitoring progress, reporting performance, and integrating lessons learned into management decisions. As such, the HPMES complements the budget, performance management cycles of the Department.

Strategic Results Matrix

The Results Matrix (HPMES Form 1) of the Strategic Plan translates the causal interrelatedness or logic of the Department's objectives into identified performance indicators at the outcome and output levels.

The following are the accompanying documents of the Strategic Results Matrix:

Annual Performance Measures

The Annual Performance Measures (HPMES Form 2) presents the Department's accomplishments, targets and proposed budget allocation for the programs, activities and projects identified in the Department's Budget structure. This document is the Department's input to the National Expenditure Program and serves as basis for target setting during the Department's Internal Budget Hearing.

This is the reference document for the DSWD Budget Proposal and Agency Performance Measures (APM) Form B and B-1 submitted to DBM.

Annual Work and Financial Plan

The Annual Work and Financial Plan (HPMES Form 3) presents the Department's physical and financial targets during the fiscal year in terms of plans for the conduct of activities and program/project implementation with corresponding budget allocation that is consistent with the National Expenditure Program (NEP) and the General Appropriations Act (GAA).

This is the reference document for the Budget Execution Document (BED) Forms 1-3 submitted to DBM.

Quarterly Accomplishment Reports

The Quarterly Accomplishment Report (HPMES Form 4) presents the Department's physical and financial accomplishments along the performance measures identified in the DSWD Strategic Results Matrix. This provides periodic information on the status of implementation of the Department's programs, activities and projects. 

This is the reference document for the Budget Accountability Report - Quarterly Physical Report of Operations (BAR-QPRO) submitted to DBM.

Semestral Assessment Reports

The Semestral Assessment Report (HPMES Form 5) details the summary of performance for each level of the Department's committed objectives and presents recommendations or necessary actions to address the variances in the Department's accomplishments vis-a-vis plans and targets.

Risk Treatment Monitoring Reports

The Risk Treatment Monitoring Reports (HPMES Form 6) details the summary of performance for the Risk Treatment Measures as identified in the Risk Treatment Plan. It presents how risks are mitigated and addressed based on the changes in risk rating once the measures are implemented.

FO-NCR Statistical Digest

The Statistical Digest is a publication issued by DSWD-NCR to provide updates on the status of the Department’s Programs/Activities/Projects (P/A/Ps) along major performances. It provides a quick reference on the program status of implementation based on the targets set for the year. It aims to aid the Field Office’s Divisions/Centers/Residential Care Facilities/Sections/Units (D/C/RCF/S/Us) and the Management in monitoring the program implementation specifically in terms of physical and financial accomplishment for the year.

Data from the Statistical Digest are generated from the Harmonized Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System (HPMES) Quarterly Accomplishment Reports (HPMES Form 4-4A-4B) submitted by the D/C/RCF/S/Us.

Download All Publications

Consultation on HPMES Reporting Forms Presentations

March 30, 2021 

Overview of HPMES and Reporting Forms.pdf

Overview of HPMES and its Forms

Common Comments and Observations on HPMES Reports Submission.pdf

Common Observations and Comments on the Submitted HPMES Reports

Fill-out Instruction and Rating Guide.pdf

Fill-out Instruction and Rating Guide