Policy Development and Planning Section

About Us

The section provides leadership in the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and plans of the Department and of the social protection sector along social welfare and development, and social safety nets; coordinate and facilitate inter-office, inter-bureau, and inter-agency compliance to regional and international commitments / instruments in line with social protection particularly on social welfare and social safety nets; coordinate the development and promotion of the Department's policy researches; and provide leadership and/or secretariat support to various technical working groups (TWGs) and interoffice bodies within and outside the Department.

Policy Development

Monitor the implementation of Department's policies, SWD Sectors policies to existing laws and policy issuance in the Regional level 

Monitor and prepare report on the implementation of SWD laws in the local level

Lead the conduct of Policy Forum align with the Department Policy Agenda

Formulate and lead in the formulation of Regional Thrust and Priorities

Maintain database of SWD resolution and ordinances of LGUs 

Provide comments/inputs to proposed policies/guidelines

Serve as Secretariat to Regional Policy Development and Review Committee 

Plan Development and Monitoring

Provide technical assistance in the formulation of Regional Plans

Prepare Office  Performance Contract of the field office

Provide technical assistance in the formulation of D/C/RCF Performance Contract

Lead and provide technical assistance on the preparation of Work and Financial Plan

Lead and provide technical assistance during internal budget review and planning

Monitor the implementation of regional plans and prepare periodic reports

Provide technical support inter-agency and inter-office committees

Serve as Secretariat to Office Performance Contract

Serve as Secretariat to the Sub-Committee on Social Protection 

Research Evaluation and Development 

Assist in the conduct of FO initiated training

Prepare assessment and recommendation for a research proposal to be conducted in the Division/Center/ Residential Care Facilities/Sections/ Offices

Prepare monitoring report on the implementation of the  Department's policy research agenda at the regional level

Develop internal policy in relation to research monitoring and implementation

Maintain database on the completed approved researches implemented in the D/C/RCF

Prepare the Regional Social Protection Development Report

Maintain SWD database

Serve as Secretariat to Research Development - Technical Working Group 

Strategy Management

Lead in the development and dissemination of the Regional Results Framework, M&E Plan, Risk Treatment Plan, and Assessment Report as well as Regional Performance Governance Balanced Scorecard 

Prepare monitoring report on the implementation of Regional Results Framework, M&E Plan, Risk Treatment Plan, and Assessment Report as well as Regional Performance Governance Balanced Scorecard 

Provide technical assistance in managing performance for results

 Serve as Secretariat of the Regional Comopsite Monitoring and Evaluation Team (RCMET)