Regional Policy Development and Review Committee
Regional Policy Development and Review Committee (RPDRC)
The RPDRC was established in the Field Office NCR on 2007, pursuant to Regional Administrative Order No. 242, Series of 2007: Guidelines on the Regional Policy Development Process cognizant with the Social Welfare and Development (SWD) concerns, as well as guided by the Policy Formulation Process Flow Chart used in Central Office to have a uniform and consistent process of policy development process in DSWD-NCR and its D/C/RCF/S/Us. The committee convene monthly and call for a special meeting at least four times in a year. RAO No. 242, s.2017 was later revised into RAO No. 17, series of 2012 which was amended by RMO No. 008, series of 2018 in response to the memorandum issued by the Central Office providing the scheme that would facilitate the process of of the review and approval of MOOs likewise to align with the AO 3, Series of 2014: Guidelines and Protocols for DSWD Issuances and AO No. 13, Series of 2015: DSWD Policy Development Framework.
Review draft or existing policies endorsed by the D/C/RCF/S/Us in the Field office-NCR;
Recommend the formulation of a policy that would respond to emerging social welfare and development issues and concerns;
Delegate draft policy issues needing professional expertise from allied services or any other offices that may found necessary.;
Hold regular monthly meetings or a special meeting as need arises; and
Submit finalized policy to RMANCOM for approval.
RPDRC Regular Monthly Meeting
The RPDRC convene on December 15, 2022 for the committee's regular monthly meeting to discuss policy concerns and review proposed policies submitted by the D/C/RCF/S/Us. The following are the agenda: (1) Enhanced amendment to RMO 007 S 2018 or the Policy on the Use of the Time-Out Room in Managing Aggressive Behavior of Resident in Sanctuary Center2nd ; and (2) Revised Comprehensive Guidelines on the Implementation of Regional Security Measures in the Field Office and Centers/Residential Care Facilities . Ms. Maridol R. Licerio, SWO V, Center Head, Nayon ng Kabataa and RPDRC Vice Chairperson presided the meeting, staff from the GASD, Mr. Antonio S. Aficial and Ms. Phyllis Jessa A. Abenoja of Sanctuary Center presented the draft guidelines to the committee.
100% or 15 active draft policy guidelines of DCRCFUSs reviewed and commented by RPDRC Members.
Four table review conduct for the month of August, September, October and November 2022.
66.66% or 8 out of 12 RPDRC (regular and special) meetings conducted for CY 2022
Nine (9) draft CO- Initiated Policy Guidelines were reviewed and provided with comments/ inputs of the Field Office within the prescribed timeline
Seven (7) draft FO-Initiated Policy Guidelines were circulated to DCRCFUSs reviewed and provided with comments within the prescribed timeline
Approved FO- Initiated Guidelines for 2021:
RAO No, 1078 s. 2022: Terms of Reference of the Regional Management Committee
RMO No. 001 s.2022: Guidelines on Admission and Discharge of Clients/Residents in Center/Residential Care Facilities during a National Calamities
RMO No 002 s. 2022: Addendum to the NVRC Manual of Operation Re Procedures on Fixed Enrollment System of the NVRC
RMO No. 003 s. 2022: Regional Translation on 2023 Thrust and Priorities
RMO 004 s 2022: Guidelines on Safekeeping of Valuables and Belongings of Residents in Residential Care Facilities
RMO 005 s. 2022: Amendment RMO No 02 s. 2021 or the Protocol for the Conduct of Research Studies in DSWD NCR CRCFs
RMO No 006 S 2022 Guidelines for the Implementation of EOP and EEOP in HRM System
2023 RPDRC Schedule and Policies for Review