Technical Assistance
The DSWD is mandated to provide technical assistance to partners and intermediaries in effectively implementing social welfare and development programs, projects and/or services. TA includes the transfer of technical and organizational know-how whilst augmentation involves the provision of pertinent resources to stakeholders in order to support the implementation of SWD programs and projects. This program will provide Technical Assistance and Resource Augmentation (TARA) to LGUs to become fully functional Local Social Welfare and Development Offices (LSWDOs).
2019 Service Delivery Assessment Result
In 2019, all 17 LGUs were targeted for assessment however only 15 LGUs were able to provide a schedule for assessment. The two LGUs that were not assessed were Marikina and Quezon City. Marikina initially provided a schedule on 6 September 2019 however they needed to decline due to an equally important meeting that they had to attend to.
Recalibrated Regional Technical Assistance and Resource Augmentation (TARA) Plan CY 2021-2022

LSWDO Service Delivery Assessment (SDA) Tool
Copy of Presentation

LSWDO Mapping Tool
This mapping activity is being conducted to see the clear picture of each LSWDO in light of the Mandanas ruling.
Presentations for the Orientation on Mandanas Ruling to LGUs
March 16-19, 2021