SAP-ESP Dashboard


The Emergency Subsidy Program (ESP) is a social amelioration program to provide cash or non-cash subsidy to eighteen (18) million household beneficiaries, as defined by JMC 01 Series of 2020, in the amount of at least Five Thousand Pesos (PhP 5,000) to a maximum of Eight Thousand Pesos (PhP 8,000) per month for two (2) months, for basic food, medicine and toiletries.

The ESP shall be provided by the national government, through various National and Local Government social amelioration programs, computed based on the prevailing regional minimum wage rates, and taking into account the subsidy amount given under the DSWD's Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program and the rice subsidy program, estimated at an average of PhP 2,150.00 per month per family. In this regard, the National Government will augment the CCT and rice subsidy in order to reach the applicable emergency subsidy amount.

Other social amelioration programs implemented are the following:

  • Food and Non-Food Items (FNI) Distribution - refer to food and essential personal hygiene and household items regularly provided by the DSWD during disaster operations;

  • Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) - refers to provision of integrated services by the DSWD to individuals and families in crisis or difficult situations that serve as a social safety net or stop-gap measure to support their recovery;

  • Indigent Senior Citizen under SocPen - refers to a Senior Citizen who is frail, sickly or with disability and without pension or permanent source of income or regular support from his/her family or relatives to meet his/her basic needs, and is registered under the Social Pension Information System (SPIS);

  • Supplementary Feeding Program - a supplemental feeding program for undernourished children with ages three (3) to five (5) years. It includes the provision of food in addition to regular meals, to target as part of the DSWD's contribution to the Early Childhood Care and Development program of the government; and

  • Livelihood Assistance Grants - refers to financial assistance granted to eligible families whose livelihoods where affected by the implementation of the community quarantine. This aims to aid the target beneficiaries who have suffered economic loss/es, and provide economic recovery/rehabilitation support through financial assistance for micro-enterprise or employment related activities particularly to those in the informal sector.

The Field Office - NCR had devised a mechanism to properly monitor the implementation of the social amelioration programs of the Department in the National Capital Region and to guide the management to keep track of the accomplishments. This shall also serve as a guide to the policy makers to use the essential data for decision making and crafting new programs and services.