Sub-Committee on Social Protection
The Regional Development Council is the policy making body tasked with coordinating all development-related activities in the region. It has four sub-committees, namely: 1) Agribusiness Committee 2) Industry, Trade and Tourism Committee 3) Environment Committee; 2) Regional Social Development Committee; 3) Infrastructure Development Committee and 4) Development Administration and Financing Committee. Several certain bodies were subsumed under the RDC and its committees as working or support committees. The Regional Social Development Committee (RSDC) focuses on the promotion of effective coordination and collaboration among key players and stakeholders in the region towards addressing social sector development concerns, specifically in the areas of education and manpower development, health, nutrition and population (sanitation), social protection, and Housing.
Pursuant to National Economic and Development Committee through Social Development Committee (SDC) Resolution No. 2, series of 2009 “Approving the Creation of Sub-Committee on Social Protection), the Department of Social Welfare and Development – National Capital Region (DSWD-NCR) proposed the creation of Sub-Committee on Social Protection to Regional Development Council-National Capital Region and was subsequently approved by the Council through RDC-NCR Resolution No. 14, series of 2014. The creation of the Sub-Committee of Social Protection is the best venue to discuss and propose policy matters to the RDC through SCSP meetings.
Members and Function
Members of the Committee:
Department of Health (DOH)
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
Department of Trade and Industry
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
Housing and Urban Dev’t Coordinating Council (HUDC)
National Anti-Poverty Comission
National Nutrition Council (NNC)
People’s Credit and Financial Institution (PCFC)
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth)
Social Security System (SSS)
Technical Education and Skills Dev’t Authority (TESDA)
League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP)
League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP)
League of Cities of the Philippines
Functions of the Sub-Committee include:
Develop a 5-year Social Protection (SP) Plan consistent with national development objectives and priorities and which would also include the strategies identified in the SP strategy paper;
Recommend to SDC, policies and strategies related to the operationalization of the imperatives of action identified in the SP Plan;
Provide guidelines for the operationalization of the action points to concerned implementing agencies;
Ensure that the necessary institutional arrangements to implement the SP Plan, identified strategies and action points are in place;
Coordinate the preparation of regular assessment/ accomplishment report for submission to the President and the Cabinet;
Prepare an annual action/work plan based on the assessment/ accomplishment report; and
Advise SDC on matters concerning SP.
Social Protection Operational Framework